Smartpur Computer Center, Jalalabad

About Smartpur Computer Center

Smartpur Computer Center,has the mission of educating the person in the rural part of eastern U.P. In this area of information Technology and Science We are committed to made available the computer education literacy and accounts education on very nominal fee structures covering rural and urban area. Through latest educatiin, we are education the students to make them skilled regarding industry requirement. Read More...

Pramod Verma

Center Coordinator

Smartpur Computer Center
Jalalabad, Ghazipur

Pramod Verma

Rahul Choudhari

Project Officer

Digital Empowerment Foundation
New Delhi

Pramod Verma


It is a one-year computer-based diploma or course. The course is intended to provide learners with basic, realistic and technological details pertaining to programming tools and applications which are used in our everyday lives


The persons who are good at maths and interested in computer technology can go on to Diploma in Computer Application. This course gives the advance knowledge of computer applications. There is demand for skilled person for handling Computer Applications.

CSC Services


स्कूल ऑफ बोर्ड शिक्षा

बीपीएस महिला विश्वविद्यालय

दक्षिण हरियाणा बिजली विज्ञानी निगम



भोजन और आपूर्ति


हरियाणा शहरी विकास अधिकार
